Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Knitting Journey

It's funny sometimes it seems like I get lots finished when I'm knitting. I seem to crank items out much to my own amazement but lately that is just not the case. I feel like I am knitting just as much as normal but nothing is getting finished. Maybe my WIPs are just larger projects than normal, maybe my right arm is a little sorer than normal and I know my house is a lot cleaner than normal. No matter what the reason I decided I needed to give myself a pep talk and share what I am accomplishing instead of what I am not. Especially since knitting is not supposed to be a chore or job, each project is a journey toward completion much like life. I can choose to enjoy the journey and not get so rushed to get to the end.

The Pinwheel Sweater

I started this in November last year and worked on it during most of my weekly Knit Nights. There are seven color changes with 2o rows each color change. I am half done with the sixth color change. I drug this back out this week since it is getting closer to cool weather. Since the tendonitis in my right arm is acting up lately, I am trying to relearn to knit using the Lorilee Beltman Continental Knitting Method . I am hoping that if I can switch between my right and left hand I will avoid the flair ups.


I started this for my brother last Christmas. It was really fun to knit and the entralac was not near as hard as it looks. It became a UFO because I didn't like how the back looked and wasn't sure how to finish it. And knowing my brother would really like a Dicks gift card better it just became the easiest solution. I do think I want to finish this but not sure if I should knit a front and back a like and sew together or maybe a simple stockinette back in blue. Any thoughts?

Bonsai Tunic

I am up to the armhole shaping on the back of this top. I have been working on this more off than on for about a month. Normally, I finish something like this in a month but not this time. For some reason, I had to frog a lot ... I think it was my lack of paying attention to pattern. I may get it done this Fall if not ... there is always the Spring.

Mystery Stole 3 ... A.K.A. MS3

I hated this when I started it. I planned on never, ever, ever knitting anything lace again. But I felt the same way about knitting about six years ago. I determined to finish the 2XL Hooded
Sweater out of Homespun ... my first project ... no one told me that my first project was supposed to be a scarf. Actually, if I would have done a scarf first I may never had stuck with it so I am glad no one told me. Anyway, now I am truly growing to love knitting lace. It is truly different and watching the patterns unfold is wonderful.

I would only be about 30 rows from finishing Clue 4 and beginning the wing. Except that I decided to add length and do the alternate border. I didn't finish this with the group but I am so glad that I joined the MS3 KAL and began a love affair with lace. How romantic am I ... A Love Affair with Lace ... wouldn't it make a great title for a lace book.


These socks are living in my car right now. I have about 10 days in each sock, so you can tell I've been doing most the driving lately. I have seen so many pairs of these on the web but I like mine best. I am not trying to be prideful but I love the funky color and think it is perfect with the funky zig zag pattern. I am also so excited that the second sock is working out as an identical twin ... this is a first for me. If you can't tell this is the newer Knit Pick sock yarn Felici in the colorway Aurora. I am really enjoying making these and am so tempted to make a pair in every colorway ... but I have so many other skeins of sock yarn that are just waiting to become socks.

Baby #1

This sweet little top is Jasmine Lace Edge Cardigan from Natural Knits for Babies and Moms by Louisa Harding . There are some cute patterns in this book but I am disappointed because the binding broke as soon as I opened it ... hopefully a little glue and clamping will fix it. Anyway, this has been a simple, fairly quick knit and I love the pink. This is for one of my mom's who is due the end of November. I will be so excited to add a new baby girl the first of the year to my childcare. Check out the buttons.

I so love these buttons ... they are perfect for this cardi. After seeing Miss Potter, I had to read through the Beatrix Potter series. We have been reading the Complete Adventures of Peter Rabbit and Friends before nap each day which has been such a treat. So big sister and brother will be excited for the new baby to have Peter Rabbit buttons and they promise to keep the present a surprise. I think I am going to buy a cute stuffed bunny to wear the cardi when I gift it. I forgot to mention how much I loved the movie, if you love movies set in old time periods and true stories it is a must see.

Baby #2

This really should be a stealth project and I may get found out by posting this but you would never believe how many hours of knitting I have done on this project to get it this far. Here are a few clues.

1) It is worked on sizes 0 and 1 needles.
2)On the last row of ribbing I had to work 40ish increase evenly.
3)Each leg is 98 stitches across which means it is 196 stitches each row since I am working them at same time.

I will never be able to explain how bad my hands ached after finishing the ribbing. I had to almost completely stop knitting for a week until they were better. There is probably about 20 hours of knitting here so far. Did I mention that this is going to be an entire outfit with matching toy? Did I tell you how glad I am that I have until mid January to finish? Did I tell you how much I adore the soon to be mom? You probably figured that out because you wouldn't knit something like this for just anyone. This will be a treasured heirloom and worth every minute of the blood, sweat and tears that will most likely be shed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping me see that it's okay if it takes a while to finish a project. I feel better about my knitting. Love Melissa