Friday, September 14, 2007

Still Sittin and Knittin But Not Typin

We finally got a new PC and I will be able to start blogging again. I may actually figure out how to add cool stuff like links soon. I haven't been knitting quite as much since we have been trying to organize the house before winter hits and I have four kids who can't go outside and play at all.
But I have been knitting some so here goes.
Birthday Goodies!

This is for my little brother ... okay he is 30 something but he likes elephants. The pink washcloth is because we grew up in a small town that had this huge pink elephant sitting in front of the town liquor store.

What do you think? Color is close to same just minus the glasses and martini? This is a big hint on what small town I am from. Here is a close up of the stuffed elephant, I think he is such a cutey. I had to hide him so the kids wouldn't adopt him ...

Travelin' Socks
I discovered that if I want to actually finish a pair of socks I can have them live in the car. This is working great since I am not having to decide what project to take with me. I am lugging around less and hubbie isn't having to wait for me. Here is my newest finished pair and I am only 1/2 a sock away from another pair.

So how am I doing on the MS3?
Here is clue 3 finished ... I am most done with clue 4 but I decided to add length so hopefully I will have an update soon.
Fun Time at the Creek
Here are a few of my favorite pictures I took over the weekend. I got to borrow "My Girl" for an afternoon and we had so much fun.

I don't think I could have planned this picture any better if I tried. Two boys dressed alike, one with the fishin pole and one with the boots and a sweet tom girl in the middle with her trusty cowgirl hat!

She never let that hat out of sight. I love the reflection in the water!
We had such a fun day and she got to ride a horse for the first time!

I'm getting ready to block and sew this cardi up for one of my mom's who is expecting a baby girl. The pink isn't neon even though the pick makes it look neon.

I finally got a picture of mom in her sweater.


Criosa said...

love the elephants!

there's a pink elephant (minus the martini) like that near the interstate exit to go to my aunt's house. we always liked to look for it when we were kids. (they've since added a park & ride lot and named the road Pink Elephant Drive)

KnitaSaur said...

That is the cutest elephant!

Anonymous said...

Your knitting is spectacular, but the photo of those adorable kids is out of this world. This looks like a one in a million shot. Do you know where I can get a copy of that picture?