Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Stash Items

I've been working really hard at getting my stuff ready for the State Fair but took a break over the weekend to shop. Now believe it or not, I actually buy more when my DH is with me. He is so bad, he basically tells me if I want it buy it. Now what husband in their right mind tells a woman that! Well, here goes.

Something from this book with this yarn will become a wonderful gift for my friend! I at least had 3 skeins of the yarn and the book already. Also, the LYS gives a 10% discount if you are a TKGA or other guild member.

Pretty pink yarn! It is a cotton acrylic blend but it is so soft! It was on clearance and I just loved the bubble gum pink! When I was little I had carpet in my bedroom this exact color. I actually bought 3 skeins of this and had to go back and get the remaining 2 skeins since I kept waking up thinking about it. I'm nuts now what to knit with it? It may just become stash and baby items for gifts ... girl baby gifts!

Okay, here is my buy of the weekend. This was the next best thing to free.

These were a dollar each, I got them all for $29.00.

I had recently took advantage of the Interweave back issue sale and recieved these

for about $36.00 after shipping. The kicker is four of the five were in the dollar bin at the LYS. So if you live in Indy check out Keepsakes in Carmel, the owner has great sale prices on both magazines and yarn.

Then it is Joann's coupon commotion and I got 2 books for 50% off. Zoe Moller Knitted Toys and Charlene Schurch Sensational Socks. Again my husband was with me, he is such a bad influence.

I must stay out of the stores so I will have money left for Stitches! I must! I must! I must!

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